Al Pessin • Writer

Al is the multi-award-winning author of Kensington’s Task Force Epsilon thrillers. He was based overseas as a journalist and was a member of the White House and Pentagon press corps.

The Secrets of Bad Writing
Bring your narrative closer to your readers. Stop doing (at least) three wrong things you don’t even know you’re doing. Al Pessin reveals the secrets of bad writing: secrets you need to know and avoid. Beyond “show, don’t tell,” this workshop will provide easy-to-use techniques to make your storytelling more dynamic and easier to read.

Hot To Get Published After Really Really REALLY Trying
If you want to go from Unknown and Unpublished to Traditionally Published Author, hear Al Pessin  share the secret of how he did just that. It can be a long journey filled with unexpected twists, turns, and setbacks. But this workshop will give you the tools to power through to success. You’ll learn the pathways to publication, the most important part of querying and pitching, and Al’s four words to live by.

Publishing Perspectives Panel
A select panel of industry professionals share knowledge and experience about publishing from their different perspectives: agent, publisher, and author. Plenty of time for Q&A