anne daltonAnne Dalton, Esq. • Attorney

Anne is a creative arts attorney and professional mediator with over 40 years experience, licensed in New York, Florida, and Pennsylvania. She’s Special Advisor to FWA’s President. 

Good Publishing Contracts, Bad Publishing Contracts
Hooray, I'm gonna be published. Oh, no, the contract has lots of scary fine print! I can't afford an attorney! In this workshop, you will learn: What in that fine print will hurt me? Differentiating between "big picture" and "small picture" contract issues, and lots more. We’ll use a common-sense approach with language translated from legalese to author-ease.

Exploding Those Urban Legends About Copyright
Have you heard the one about “you can use the work of any dead person with impunity?” If yes, this workshop is for you. We will review common copyright misconceptions and learn some fun facts in an informal, relaxed setting. You’ll learn: Why and how Andy Warhol “got away with it,” and you won't. How to fine-tune "help" from friends, beta readers, and others. The scary parts of collaborative writing.