carol. j postCarol J. Post • Writer

Carol is an award-winning author of Christian romance and Christian romantic suspense. She is also a popular speaker, presenting workshops on a variety of craft topics.

Pace Your Story for Maximum Reader Engagement
Pacing too slow and you'll bore readers; too fast and your work lacks depth. Learn how to control the pace of your story through effective use of dialogue, action, description, introspection, hooks, and other elements to keep readers engaged. Participants will learn: eight elements that authors can use to control the speed of a story, how scene and sequel affect pacing, and how to identify and correct pacing problems in their own work.

Make Your Fiction Sparkle
What makes some writing leap off the page and other prose fall flat? Learn how to grip your readers with stories that radiate energy and emotion using vivid description, dialogue that pops, proper pacing, effective word choice, and other techniques. Participants will learn how to bring out a character’s unique voice, how to create description that transports readers into your world, and how to spot and slash lackluster writing and replace it with sparkling sentences.