Jaimie Engle
Jaimie Engle is an award-winning writer of stories with a magic touch in film, tv and books across genres. She focuses on building connected story worlds and selling tools. In 2022, after publishing 15 books, she sold her first screenplay, "Just Jake," with distribution through a major television network. Several of her adaptations and originals are in development with major producers and studios. Besides writing, Jaimie does kickboxing, bakes grain free, and supports her boys in professional theater and varsity football. thewriteengle.com
Beyond the Borders
Learn how to build a story universe that connects all your stories across multiple mediums in books, film, comics, gaming, and more to stand out in the marketplace and create an experience your fans will never want to leave!
Character Groups to Sustain Series
Learn how to create character groups laterally and vertically across your story to generate more content through "real" people whose stories can spark series, sequels, prequels, and one-shot standalones.