joan leggittJoan Leggitt • Publisher

Joan spent most of her life in and around the publishing industry and founded Twisted Road Publications in 2013: a Tallahassee based publisher of fiction and creative nonfiction.

Writing and Sending Your Query Letter
Once your novel is written, it's time for the dreaded query letter. In this workshop, writers will learn not only what is important to include and exclude, but also why and how. We’ll walk through the step-by-step process of creating a query letter and analyze each element. Then we’ll look at how to target the query to maximize the chances of getting read, accepted, and published.

Writing Flawed Characters
At some point, every writer has been told that characters must be round rather than flat. Writing characters who are too perfect to believe, or too perfect to capture and hold our interest creates a story with limited outcomes. In this workshop, we’ll explore creating flawed characters who can turn a narrative on its ear. Then we’ll look at ways to mitigate those flaws to give characters depth and humanity.

Publishing Perspectives Panel
A select panel of industry professionals share knowledge and experience about publishing from their different perspectives: agent, publisher, and author. Plenty of time for Q&A