Kim Bradley
Kim Bradley grew up in Monroeville, Alabama, and studied journalism at Auburn University. She received an MFA in creative writing from the University of New Orleans. Her collection of short stories, Spillway, published by Stephen F. Austin University Press, won the 2022 Florida Book Awards Silver Medal. Her stories have appeared in storySouth, Southern Humanities Review, Natural Bridge, the Louisville Review, Southern Indiana Review, and others. She teaches creative writing and first-year writing at Flagler College in St. Augustine.
Short Story How To: Creating, Compiling, and Marketing Short Story (with Tara Lynn Masih)
The Florida Book Awards honored two short story collections in 2022. Come hear how the award-winning authors of Spillway and How We Disappear conceived, compiled, edited, and promoted their work to win this prestigious state award. Traditional versus hybrid stories will also be discussed. Q&A to follow.