kristin owensKristin Owens • Writer/Educator

Kristin is an award-winning educator and writer, as well as a contributor for Writer Unboxed, Writer’s Digest, and Wine Enthusiast. Her essays won awards from New Millennium, New Letters, and appear in RISE! 

Publishing Possibilities
The variables in publishing a book—costs, time, and maintaining control over the process—are critical elements in the decision-making process. This straight-forward workshop will cover traditional, hybrid, and self-publishing options, outline the pros and cons of each (including costs), offer advice from published authors on what they enjoyed and wished they knew about beforehand. Participants in this workshop will determine which option is the best fit for their work and their expectations.

Seven Drafts to a Completed Novel
This workshop is for beginner and intermediate writers stuck in Revision Land. Novel edits are overwhelming. Misspellings, over-used terminology, verb tense, dialogue tags … not to mention fundamental issues like strengthening scenes, plot holes, character arcs, and engaging descriptions. It’s a lot to tackle! We’ll cover: time management, getting organized, using an editorial check sheet, staying focused, and the importance of goal-setting. In seven editorial passes, you’ll have a polished manuscript.

Publishing Perspectives Panel, Moderator
A select panel of industry professionals share knowledge and experience about publishing from their different perspectives: agent, publisher, and author. Plenty of time for Q&A.