patricia charpentierPatricia Charpentier • Writer/Consultant

Patricia, the multi-award-winning author of Eating an Elephant, Write Your Life One Bite at a Time, founded Life Writers which combines three components necessary for success: community, instruction, and accountability.

Micro-Memoir: The Art of Writing Short
Micro-memoir is a powerful method of telling life stories in 300 words or less. Writing short pieces forces writers to distill experiences into a few pages, zeroing in on specifics. In this workshop, we’ll examine the micro-memoir genre and practice writing short in response to one or more prompts. The motto of this fun, hands-on workshop is: The only way to do this wrong is to not do it at all!

Know the Rules Before You Break Them
“Rewriting is the essence of writing well, where the game is won or lost,” says noted journalist and professor William Zinsser. Editing helps you convey your message and improves the reader’s experience. In this workshop, learn how to apply tricks professional editors use. We’ll also discover how MS Word and other systems can help you edit, and you’ll receive one of a writer’s most important tools—an editing checklist.