rick bettencourtRick Bettencourt • Writer/Tech Leader

Rick’s combination of technical acumen and creative writing skills renders him an asset in business, tech, and literary arenas. Rick is FWA’s past president and a current member of its Board of Directors. freedomoaksmedia.com

Microsoft Word Mastery: Transform Your Documents (Creative Catalyst 2hrs.)
Solve common and complex formatting challenges that writers encounter. This hands-on workshop is designed to ensure your documents are both professional and visually appealing. We’ll cover essential topics such as paragraph alignment, line and page breaks, page numbering, the effective use of styles and themes for a cohesive look, tracking changes, and more. Learn how to troubleshoot formatting issues to increase your writing productivity. Participants are encouraged to bring their laptops.

The Email Connection: Marketing Strategies for Authors
Dive into the world of email marketing for writers. Learn the art of growing and managing your email list, crafting compelling content that captivates your audience, and leveraging segmentation and personalization to forge deeper connections. Discover how to automate your email campaigns for efficiency, analyze their performance for insights, and integrate email marketing into your broader promotional strategy. This workshop will equip you with practical tools to turn your email list into an asset.

Publishing Perspectives Panel, Moderator
A select panel of industry professionals share knowledge and experience about publishing from their different perspectives: agent, publisher, and author. Plenty of time for Q&A.