sarah fiskSarah Fisk • Literary Agent

Sarah is a literary agent at Tobias Literary Agency. They have worked in various fields of the publishing industry. Sarah hosts the podcast Queries, Qualms, & Quirks. 

Writing a Standout Query Letter  (Creative Catalyst 2hrs.)
If you want to find an agent or a publisher for your fiction or narrative nonfiction, you will need an outstanding query letter. Literary Agent Sarah Fisk will show you how to create a query letter that will help you snag a book deal.

Writing a Nonfiction Book Proposal
Nonfiction books are often sold based on a proposal. You’ll need an impressive book proposal to hook an agent and publisher. Literary agent Sarah Fisk will discuss all the pieces of a successful book proposal and provide tips for making yours the best it can be.

Publishing Perspectives Panel
A select panel of industry professionals share knowledge and experience about publishing from their different perspectives: agent, publisher, and author. Plenty of time for Q&A.